The six biosecurity training modules below provide the information you need to understand what biosecurity is, how you can use it to develop a biosecurity program to help keep disease from spreading to your flock, and how to recognize the signs of disease.

The videos are available 24/7 so watch when it's convenient. Feel free to watch them as many times as you like. The PowerPoint slides used in each of the modules can be downloaded and kept as a resource.

Each video will build upon the information in the previous one so we recommend watching them in the order they're listed. The best viewing experience will be on a laptop or desktop. Please let us know if you encounter any problems.


Terms, definitions and concepts

In this module you will learn the terms, definitions and concepts important to understanding the principles of biosecurity. These will be used throughout the other modules.

Download the PowerPoint slides used in this module. (PDF)

40 min.
Closed captioned


Developing and evaluating a biosecurity plan

Module 2 will define what a biosecurity program/plan is, why it is important and the purpose of a biosecurity program. Developing, assessing and evaluating a biosecurity program is also presented.

Download the PowerPoint slides used in this module. (PDF)

28 min.
Closed captioned


Biosecurity principles and practices

In this module the first five of the 14 National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) Biosecurity Principles are covered. Common biosecurity management practices and strategies related to the principles are provided.


  • Biosecurity responsibility
  • Training
  • Line of separation
  • Perimeter buffer area
  • Personnel

Download the PowerPoint slides used in this module. (PDF)

21 min.
Closed captioned


Biosecurity practices and principles

Module 4 reviews NPIP Biosecurity Principles 6 through 8 and provides examples of management practices and strategies to comply with these principles.


  • Wild birds, rodents and insects
  • Equipment and vehicles
  • Mortality disposal

Download the PowerPoint slides used in this module. (PDF)

24 min.
Closed captioned


Biosecurity practices and principles

Module 5 reviews NPIP Biosecurity Principles 9 through 14 and provides examples of management practices and strategies to comply with these principles.


  • Manure and litter management
  • Replacement poultry
  • Water supplies
  • Feed and replacement litter
  • Reporting morbidity and mortality
  • Auditing

Download the PowerPoint slides used in this module. (PDF)

35 min.
Closed captioned


Raising healthy poultry

This module reviews the consequences of poultry diseases, how to determine if your birds are diseased, who to contact if you have a disease problem and ways to prevent diseases. It also briefly reviews the diseases caused by Avian Influenza (AI) and Exotic Newcastle Disease (END), and the action you should take if you suspect your birds have these diseases.

Download the PowerPoint slides used in this module. (PDF)

27 min.